Taylor House Client Rules
As a client of Taylor House, you have the right to shelter that meets your basic needs and to be
treated with respect and dignity. To help ensure the safety and well-being of everybody in the
shelter and to foster a positive facility, we ask that you agree to and abide by the following rules.
You understand you are always on camera and being recorded. The only exception is in
bedrooms and bathrooms.
You agree upon intake to wash all laundry. You also agree to only bring one weeks’
worth of clothing, a small TV is allowed, or a laptop. No other non-essential items.
You agree to have your room inspected by staff as needed.
You agree to not enter anyone else’s bedroom.
You agree to eat all meals in the dining room and not to eat or keep any food in your
room. Water is allowed in rooms only.
You agree to keep all personal belongings in your bedroom, not in common areas; this
includes toiletries, coats, and shoes.
You agree to always keep sheets and mattress protectors on your bed and are not
allowed to move mattresses in the room. You agree to launder your sheets weekly.
You agree not to use the living room area for sleeping for yourself or your children.
You understand it is your responsibility to promptly clean up after yourself after
preparing and eating meals. You agree to clean up after your children in common areas,
inside the shelter, outside of the shelter, the dining room, and in your room.
You agree to attend to your personal hygiene on a regular basis. You agree to do your
laundry as needed and remove it from the washer/dryer promptly. You are also
responsible for washing the towels and wash clothes you use for showers.
You understand that curfew is 10:00pm 7 days a week. It is expected you don’t leave
the facility before 6am unless for work or it is preapproved by the Director. You
understand it is quiet time from 10:00pm till 6:00am.
You understand this is a co-ed shelter and a family friendly environment and therefore
proper clothing must be worn in common areas at all times. This includes at night when
you are going from your room to the bathroom.
You understand that you are not allowed to have guests at the Taylor House. If
someone is coming to pick you up, they can wait in the parking lot.
You understand that candles and other flammable items are not allowed anywhere at the
Taylor House.
Updated 12/30/2022
You agree to keep your room clean while staying at the Taylor House. This includes
laundry done and put away, rooms cleaned and kept orderly, items properly stored and
put away.
You understand you are responsible for your own medications. A record will be kept in
your file of the medications you came in with and are prescribed while staying at the
Taylor House. Medications must be securely locked in residents’ rooms and will be
counted daily to ensure they are properly taken.
You understand you are required to meet weekly with the director and work towards
goals set at intake. You agree that while staying at the Taylor House, whether you are
employed, on Social Security, or on Disability, you will put 75% of your income away to
be saved for housing upon exit from the Taylor House. You agree to meet with the
director on your payday as well as weekly case management meetings.
You agree to keep your bedroom door locked at all times. You understand that the door
to the shelter is also to remain locked at all times.
You understand that you are responsible for your children, and they are not to be left
unattended or in the care of another person while staying at the Taylor House. You
understand that school-aged children must attend school.
You understand upon exit of the shelter you must clean your room, remove your sheets,
turn in your key, shower caddy, and any towels or wash clothes that belong to the Taylor
House. You are encouraged to fill out an exit survey and by doing so you will leave with
a gift card.
You understand that while staying at the Taylor House you will have chores assigned.
You understand that you need to complete your daily/weekly chores before 10:00pm and
sign off on the chart.
You understand no drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol are permitted on the premise.
You understand you may be subject to random drug and alcohol tests.
You understand that no weapons are allowed at the Taylor House.
You understand you are responsible for arranging your transportation. You understand
if you have a vehicle parked at Taylor House it must be in working condition. You also
understand you must provide proof of a valid driver’s license, proof the vehicle is
registered, and proof you have insurance.
Client Signature __________________________________________________________
Staff Signature __________________________________________________________
Updated 12/29/2022
From homelessness to housing stability, we provide shelter, food, support, and solutions
to address the housing needs in our community.